Applications - Templates & Policies

Business Case Readiness Checklist

This template will help you determine if you have completed the necessary milestone to proceed to the next step of building the business case.

Summary Business Case Presentation Template

Use this template for a short-form presentation of the business case that focuses on the key analysis.

Business Case Close-Out Form

Use the template to go through a checklist of activities that should happen and the accompanying sign-offs.

Controlled Vendor Communications Letter

Establish a single point of contact and create a communication vacuum to help leverage your negotiation position.

Vendor Communication Management Plan

Most SaaS purchases involve a broad range of stakeholders -- create and implement a plan to ensure effective communication throughout the negotiation process.

Release Management Process Standard Template

Use this template to document your release processes, roles and tools of your release management standard.

Software Business Use Case Template

Document both functional and non-functional requirements before starting any software purchase. Make sure you know what the business needs and why.

Contract Negotiation Tactics Playbook

There are a host of different negotiation strategies – understand available tactics and which one to use depending on the circumstances.

Software Buyer's Checklist

This template provides a standardized set of steps to follow when negotiating software license agreements for your organization.

Software Quality Assurance Assessment Workbook

Use this template to document exercise outputs of the blueprint, Optimize Your SQA Practice Using a Full Lifecycle Approach.
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