The beginning stages of the project are dedicated to working out the details of the project task schedule. Take advantage of this tool to determine and create a detailed...
The dress code policy outlines appropriate and inappropriate work attire.
Organizations are realizing that attracting the best talent and unlocking their human capital potential begins the moment HR is a strategic business partner. Through the...
Proper benefits tracking and monitoring plays a critical role in ensuring that expected benefits are realized after a project is implemented.
Info-Tech has designed this Readiness Assessment Checklist to ensure your organization has completed essential tasks prior to moving forward with the HRIS project and...
Use this template to guide structured stakeholder interviews and extract the right information to formulate an HRIS strategy.
Read our condensed Executive Brief to find out why you should develop an LMS strategy, review Info-Tech's methodology, and understand the different ways we can support...
Use the guidelines to aid you in choosing the right process owners.
Use the template to receive proposals that reflect the problem at hand. Request an appropriate level of detail for your specific procurement.
The Initiative Roadmap Tool is used to organize and monitor project work. Project milestones and tasks can accurately be planned out. Once the project begins, real-time...