Use this template for issuing a Request for Information (RFI).
Trying to manage unscheduled moves, adds, and changes (MACs) to desktop systems and user accounts can be one of IT's biggest headaches. Use a move/add/change request form...
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are integral to effectively managing IT processes. Utilize this template to help write a hierarchical-style SOP (Standard Operating...
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that IT staff recognize that changes to computer systems tend to destabilize those systems.
Use Info-Tech's sample policy to launch software acquisition management efforts to the top of your priority list.
The “E-Mail TCO Worksheet” helps IT leaders peer into existing e-mail infrastructure and provisioning costs. IT leaders will gather expense information for 19 specific...
Use this template to issue a Request for Quotation.
Use this template to complete a RASCI chart (Responsible, Accountable, Supported, Consulted, and Informed).
Use this step-by-step guide to understand the best practices surrounding process mapping.
Use this template to document and collect the data outputs from the Create a Winning BPI Playbook blueprint.