Requirements Gathering Communication Tracking Template

Use this template to structure and manage ongoing communications among key requirements gathering implementation stakeholders.

Project Level Selection Tool

Use this tool to classify your projects into four levels, enabling you to evaluate the risk and complexity of a particular project and match it with an appropriate...

Requirements Gathering Documentation Tool

Use this tool to identify and track stakeholder involvement, elicitation techniques, and scheduling, as well as to track categorization and prioritization of requirements.

Summary Business Case Presentation Template

Use this template for a short-form presentation of the business case that focuses on the key analysis.

Software Acquisition and Usage Policy

Use Info-Tech's sample policy to launch software acquisition management efforts to the top of your priority list.

Software Development Policy

The software development policy outlines the standard for corporate software development and code management.

Change Control – Freezes & Risk Evaluation Policy

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that IT staff recognize that changes to computer systems tend to destabilize those systems.

Web APIs High-Level Design Requirements Template

This design requirements template is meant to describe the necessary business, functional, and non-functional requirements of your web APIs.

Application Maintenance Stage Gate Assessment

This stage gate checklist allows the IT department to determine if it is ready to take on the task of improving its application maintenance processes.

Application Maintenance Project Charter

This template should be used as a living document to carry the project through from proof-of-concept to implementation.
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