Application Development - Storyboard

Enabling Product Delivery – Executive Workshop Storyboard

Strengthen product management in your organization through effective executive leadership by focusing product teams on core capabilities and proper alignment. Develop a...

Take the First Steps to Embrace Open-Source Software Storyboard

Use this research to learn the opportunities of open source, considerations when selecting open-source software, and how to prepare your team for the use of open source.

Define a Release Management Process to Deliver Lasting Value – Phases 1-4

This blueprint enables you to build a continuous anything delivery mechanism through conceptualization of a robust release management framework.

Applications Priorities Report for 2022

In 2022, to compete in the digital economy, organizations need to unlock the potential of their applications.

Agile Readiness Assessment Storyboard

The Agile Readiness Assessment is a tool that will help your organization to better understand its readiness for an Agile transformation.

Make the Case for Product Delivery Storyboard

This solution set helps you make the case for your transition to product delivery.

Define a Sourcing Strategy for Your Development Team Storyboard

This storyboard defines a method for analyzing your current application portfolio and organization so you can define a sourcing strategy for your development team.

Satisfy Digital End Users With Low- and No-Code – Phases 1-3

This blueprint helps you develop an approach to understand your low and no code challenges and priorities and to shortlist, govern, and manage the right low- and no-code...

Define the Role of Project Management in Agile and Product-Centric Delivery Storyboard

Use this guide to understand the steps necessary to define the role of project management in Agile and product-centric organizations.

Applications Priorities 2023 Report

Read this report for a summary of the five initiatives that application leaders should prioritize for 2023 and references to get these initiatives started.
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